Opening times today for Roadhouse Grill

12:00 - 23:30

Opens at 12:00 today
  • Monday: - -
  • Tuesday (today): - -
  • Wednesday: - -
  • Thursday: - -
  • Friday: - -
  • Saturday: - -
  • Sunday: - -


🕗 Roadhouse Grill Opening times in Roma, 00100

00100 Via Galvani, 71/83 Roma, it
tel. 06 5744696
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Roadhouse Grill is the first steakhouse restaurant chain in Italy, launched in 2001 by the Cremonini Group, which has ownership of the brand for all Europe. The casual dining restaurants specialized in grilled meat dishes with table service.

The menu includes premium burgers, gourmet sandwiches and salads in addition to classic cuts of meat such as ribeye, T-bone and fillet steaks, Tagliata and other exclusive specialities like Outback steak and Picanha.


Nearest Roadhouse Grill restaurants, Roadhouse Grill Roma TESTACCIO - RISTORANTE

McDonald's Roma Stradivari, Roma

Via degli Stradivari 35-37, 591.7 m

Opens at 11:00 today

Burger King Roma, Roma

Via Ostiense 50-a/b/c, 703.3 m

Opens at 11:30 today

Roadhouse Grill Roma TRASTEVERE - RISTORANTE, Roma

P.zza Ippolito Nievo, 33, 700.8 m

Opens at 12:00 today

Roadhouse Grill Roma EUR - RISTORANTE, Roma

Via dei Georgofili ang. Via Cristoforo Colombo c/o Polisportiva, 3.4 km

Opens at 12:00 today

Roadhouse Grill Roma TERMINI - RISTORANTE, Roma

Via Marsala, 27, 3.6 km

Opens at 11:30 today


P.le XII Ottobre 1942, 1.1 km

Opens at 10:00 today